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Reasons to Start a new Open Access scientific journal at KIT: A checklist

With the motto "Science in the hands of scientists", KIT Scientific Publishing supports the Open Science movement, encouraging scholars to participate in redesigning how sharing and publishing platforms should operate.

One of the primary channels for research publishing is academic journals. To encourage and assist the scientists in reclaiming a more financially sustainable model of sharing research, KIT's in-house publisher, KIT Scientific Publishing , will offer support to scholars at KIT and related scientific societies in establishing new journals. This initiative will also create opportunities for relatively less-popular disciplines to gain representation at international level.

We find these themes relevant for the scientific publishing. What’s your view on the following issues?

1. “Science should be in the hands of scientists.”

a. Scientists should take responsibility for shaping policies regarding the platforms for publication, review processes, and the sharing of research.
b. The scientific researches should be free to publish and free to read.

2. The role of commercial publishers in shaping science policies should be limited.

a. Profit-motivated commercial publishers should not monopolize publication platforms. Scientific communityeditors, authors, and reviewers should support open-source services as platform for publishing journals.
b. Despite the largely voluntary contribution of the scientific community for production of academic journals, the cost of APCs are unreasonably high. The expensive price-model of APCsArtical Processing Charges refers to the fees authors have to pay for the processing of their article threatens the sustainability of scientific journals.

3. There is currently a gap in the available publication avenues for my disciplinary specialization, and there is an urgent need for a new journal in my field.

4. Our department at KIT would like to form a scientific society and start a new journal.

You can submit your answers now.
After you click “submit”, you will have the opportunity to contact us.

The questionnaire is citable as DOI: 10.5445/IR/1000172078

diamond@ksp.kit.edu – 2024