EPICUR Coursework Needs Analysis - Survey for Master's Students and Early Career Researchers
Dear Participant,
This survey is for master's students and those in the early stages of their research careers (i.e. PhD/doctoral candidates, postdocs, junior professors/maîtres de conférence) across the European university alliance EPICUR, which includes the following nine higher educaiton institutions:
- Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)
- University of Freiburg (Germany)
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
- University of Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria)
- University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
- University of Strasbourg (France)
- University of Upper Alsace (France)
EPICUR aims to establish a novel collaboration framework among its nine universities, uniting them into a cohesive European University. This initiative focuses on enhancing cooperation in education, research, and the broader academic community across the alliance. If EPICUR is new to you, you can learn more here (epicur.edu.eu/) and by watching the video below
As a master’s student or early career researcher, EPICUR offers you the opportunity to take part in courses at other universities that interest you, connect with students and researchers from other countries and take part in intercultural exchanges.